
Waterfountains, (genus Drinkus Fountainus), sometimes also called bubblers (by morons) are an integral part of our society. They allow us to access that most important thing to us all, water. For without them we would surely be a lesser people. This Website is itself an ode to, a documentation of, and a symbol, of waterfountains. They deserve our respect serviude and wonder, and this website is but my simple offering.

We will delve into the history of waterfountains, observing their rise in power of the many long years they have been on this planet. We will turn the mirror towards ourselves and see how waterfountains are to be discovered in our current day. We will also discuss the importance of these waterfountains moving forward and how we can hope for the field to change in the future. And we will take a small breather to enjoy some good poetry. Enjoy the website!